Wednesday, July 23, 2008

True Lies (Now with 100% less Schwarzenegger!)

Picasso once said "El arte es una mentira que nos acerca a la verdad." Literally translated it says "The art is a lie that brings us closer to the truth." Since thoughts tend to be organized quite differently in Spanish than in English, the phrase, once translated, comes out clunky and stripped of most of its punch. That's why I prefer the translation "Art is the lie that tells the truth." It's sleek, compelling, and easy to absorb. It has become my motto.

This blog is a medium to help me hone my powers of expression: to improve my art, so to speak. At the moment it is more for myself than anyone else- a way for me to organize my thoughts, interests, and observations- but as it grows and my musing mature, it will hopefully compel others to read it and contribute.

Here you will find links to sites of interest ranging from music, to theater, movies, politics, science, books, and more, plus my thoughts on such things. You will also find updates on my own projects outside the intertubes and the projects of my friends.

And so it begins...

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